Worcester, MA
335 Chandler Street Worcester, MA 01602
Join us at Nu Cafe to hear author James Thibeault as he reveals the essence of forgiveness in his young
adult novel, DEACON’S FOLLY.
Thibeault created DEACON’S FOLLY because of his desire to write a young adult book with a
focus on serious issues, such as mental abuse and neglect. He also had a particular interest in
forgiveness. “Many people don’t forgive, they just forget,” Thibeault says. “Forgiveness is when
one is blatantly harmed or offended, but they still forgive—despite the pain still felt.”
Thibeault teaches high school English at Eagle Hill School in Hardwick, Massachusetts,
where he works with students who have learning differences, such as ADHD and dyslexia. He
has published several short stories in literary magazines. DEACON’S FOLLY is James’s first
335 Chandler Street Worcester, MA 01602
195 Washington St, Somerville, MA 02143
19-23 Pleasant St Newburyport, MA 01950